Let's Talk Love | A Real Love Ready Podcast

Gary Zukav - Seat Of The Soul

Real Love Ready Season 6 Episode 5

In this special episode, Robin sits down for an in-depth conversation with spiritual mentor Gary Zukav, bestselling author of Seat of the Soul. Gary shares insights on the transformation happening in human consciousness and what it means to live a soul-led life and with authentic power. He discusses the difference between soul and personality, karma and intentions, and offers guidance on navigating relationships with awareness and love. This inspiring episode provides tools for personal growth and forming more loving connections.

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Credits: the Let’s Talk Love Podcast is hosted by Robin Ducharme, recorded and edited by Maia Anstey, and transcribed by Otter.ai.

Robin Ducharme | Today's episode was a dream come true. I had the opportunity of spending an hour with one of my favorite authors and spiritual mentors Gary Zukav. Gary wrote Seat of the Soul, a book I read for the first time in my 20s. And the book changed my life. It opened me up to understand how our souls work, and has helped me live a life through purpose and loving intention. Gary's Zukav is a graduate of Harvard with a degree in International Relations. He worked as a former US Army Special Forces officer with Vietnam service, and is the grandfather. Seat of the Soul was first published in 1989. A number one New York Times bestseller. It's been translated into 30 languages, and has been read by millions of people around the world. Gary says there is an enormously huge, unprecedented transformation happening to human consciousness itself. This transformation is happening with amazing velocity within the last three generations, as opposed to 300,000 years that our five sensory perception evolved in. In other words, we are expanding, we are growing and we are learning to live more through love. By living more heart centered, and with our souls purpose at the forefront. Beginning with Gary is medicine for the soul. He is wise and gentle, and resonates with joy. I hope you take time to listen and soak in the gold within the messages Gary is gifting us with today. Enjoy 

Welcome to Let's Talk Love the podcast that brings you real talk fresh ideas and expert insights every week. Our guests are the most trusted voices in love and relationships. And they're here for you with tools, information and friendly advice to help you expand the ways you love, relate and communicate. We tackle the big questions not shying away from the complex, the messy, the awkward and the joyful parts of relationships. I'm your host, Robin Ducharme. Now, Let's Talk Love. 

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this incredibly special episode of Let's Talk Love, we are going to be having this incredible hour with a man named Gary Zukav. Gary, I have looked up to you for decades, ever since I read your book Seat of the Soul, and it is my one of my Bibles when it comes to spirituality and love and understanding our soul. I've dogeared so many pages in this book over the years. So, Gary, thank you. Thank you so much for being with us today.

Gary Zukav | Oh, you're welcome. Robin, it's really good to be on your podcast. Thank you. 

Robin Ducharme | So you wrote this book seed of the soul? In 1989. Right. 

Gary Zukav | It was published 1989. It was written in November. It was finished in November 87.

Robin | So can you tell us and this book has been read by millions and millions of people across the world? And I know it was written a while ago now. But what inspired you to to write the book because you know, you know what I was interested by before you answer that question is the foreword that Oprah wrote. And or and you said, as well, Gary, you said that you have read this book, of course, more times since you since you read it since you wrote it, you've read it. And it's like you're you're learning something new every time you read it. Did you feel like you channeled this book? Like is that? No, no,

Gary | No, no, I'm not a channer But it's a co-creation. It's not possible to create alone. Because it's not possible to be alone. And this is part of our new consciousness. We're becoming aware of this, and a lot more. So everything that is created is a co-creation. And this book is no exception. Am I a channel? No. By and by that? I mean, I don't close my eyes and sit in front of a keyboard, and when I open my eyes, there's a book or a chapter. It doesn't work that way. If you're ever had the feeling of creating something, maybe maybe a podcast Robin, maybe when you're in the zone, and everything's going just right. And it feels just right. That's a co-creation. Of course you're co-creating with the person you're interviewing. But when it all falls together and energy feels just right, then there's a larger co-creation happening. And that's co-creation with The Universe, that's always happening. But What varies is our awareness of it.

Robin | So things have changed. And you talk, we're gonna talk about this as well, during our conversation on how, from the time that you wrote the book, and the decades now that have followed, our consciousness has grown and and has changed. So there's this greater greater awareness of the collective awareness of, of our spirits of our souls living more from that place. But this is really what this book is about, right is about merging our personalities with our souls, living more from our soul.

Gary | Yes it is. Yes, exactly. And it's, and by the way, I like to ask our viewers not to take anything that I say is so simply because I say it. But instead, if you resonate with anything that I say, then experiment with that, apply it in your life. And if you like, what it creates, experiment, some more, experiment with your life. That's what you have it for. And I also suggest that you don't take as so anything that anybody says just because they say it, even if they have written a book, or they have a congregation, or they have a television show. Try it out for yourself, because you're the one that's creating the experiences in your life. And what this book is about is about the Seat of the Soul is learning how to create the experiences, or the consequences that you want to experience consciously. 

Robin | Yes. So can you please explain to us what the difference between our soul and our personality is?

Gary | Your soul, is that part of you that existed before you were born, and will continue to exist after you die. It's that part of your personality that is immortal. It's not part of your personality. In fact, your personality, for a while is a part of it, your soul, the Seat of the Soul is about everything you've talked to me about. But it's also an even more about a transformation in consciousness. In the human species, not in you and me, but in the entire human species. And this has never happened before. And something else that's never happened before, is an evolution in human consciousness that's happening this fast. It's happening within three human generations. Now, to compare that our old consciousness the consciousness is now dying, evolved over 300,000 years, 300 millennia. So when I speak to you now about a consciousness that is appearing in the entire human species, in three generations, that's faster than an eye blink, from the perspective of evolutionary time, as we've known it, it's faster than a heartbeat, and it's happening. And you can see it for yourself. And that is perhaps some of the things that we'll talk about. The old consciousness was limited to the five senses, in other words, five sensory humans like I was born, or so I thought about for quite a while. For these individuals, if something can't be seen, or tasted, or touched, or heard or smelled, it doesn't exist. It's not considered reality. And the old consciousness which we can call five sensory consciousness, the understanding of power, the only understanding of power that an individual that's limited to the five senses can have is power as the ability to manipulate and to control. So that's external power. That's trying to change the world. The new consciousness is very different from that. It is an explosion of our awareness beyond the limitations of the five senses, for example, have you ever had now speaking out to everyone who's listening to us? Have you ever had the thought? I'm more than my body and my mind. I know. That is a multi sensory experience. We'll call the new consciousness, multi sensory. Because of this, the five senses together form a single sensory system. And its object of detection is physical reality. Multi sensory perception obliterates that it takes us far beyond that. If you've ever thought to yourself, I don't think that the world around me is random. Or even entirely random, it's just not random. There's something more in it. There's meaning in it, there's substance, there's something I can learn about myself, not the world but about myself from the world. That is a multi sensory question. 

Robin | Yes.

Gary | A five sensory human would consider this nonsense. Isn't that interesting, literally, not sensical. No five sensory understanding can reach this. A five sensory individual cannot relate to what I'm describing now. Because there's nothing in his or her experience that can connect with it. To make it real. There's more five sen, five sensory individuals in the world now than there are multi sensory because multi sensory perception is emerging. And within that, in the next two generations, everyone will be multi sensory, 

Robin | Really

Gary | And you can begin to see it happen now. And how fast it's happening. It's happening in three human generations, and one of them has already arrived. And two more are coming. Now, for a lot of our listeners, they may not even know that there was such a thing as five sensory perception in which nothing that cannot be detected by the five senses is considered real. The soul is such a thing. The soul to a five sensory human is something that maybe you learned about in Sunday school, or at most, it's a part of theology, maybe philosophy. By for multisensory humans, it's real. It's more than something in your chest cavity. It is the essence of who you are. It is your being, you are a part an incarnation of one part of your soul. And that is what you are right now to you that's listening to Robin, and to me, that means it's the you that has a birthday, and a depth there. So there are hundreds of millions of individuals who are acquiring multi sensory perception. And there are millions and millions who are born with neonates now are for the most part born with multi sensory perception. So there is something else that is important for me to share with you. And that is that multi sensory perception, or the new consciousness comes with a new understanding of power, and a new potential of power. And that is the alignment of your personality, with your soul. And there's even more than that, the old understanding of power, external power, the ability to manipulate and control is now poison. It's toxic. It produces only violence and destruction. And you can try this out for yourself. You have been trying it out for yourself in a lot of ways this applies to everyone. But now as you become aware of it, you can begin to experiment with that new power. Authentic power, real power is the alignment of your personality with your soul. Your soul's intentions, our harmony, and cooperation, and sharing and reverence for life. And as you align your self, your personality, with the intentions of your soul, align your personality with your soul. You create power. That's the new understanding of power. And it's not a given in your life. Now, multi sensory perception is a given it's a gift from the universe. We don't have to develop it, although we will strengthen it. But authentic power needs to be created. by you. And that is what the Seat of the Soul is about. It's about the epic transformation of consciousness. That is transforming the entire human species at the same time. Now that things in the new consciousness that are familiar, like reincarnation, like karma, but there are many five sensory individuals for whom that's real, who really act that way. But as we become multisensory, it is real. And we start to enable ourselves to act on those things. Because it's important to us, because when we act, we are creating consequences for ourselves. And if we're not aware of the intention that we're holding, that intention is unconscious, and that intention will create painful consequence. 

Robin | Right. 

Gary | So that's it for a beginning to talk about this book, the Seat of the Soul, and to talk about our lives now.

Robin | So Gary, can you please explain to us, I, I've been drawn, I've been drawn to spiritual works, and understanding our souls since I was 17. And here I am. 46. So that's 30, 30 years of reading and trying to, like working to understand and apply these principles and live through my soul and my spirit for a lot of my life. But I, you know, I think there's a lot of people I know, there has been around me that we all have the same questions. It's like, yes, I want to, and your book is so great for giving us those tools, to lift your intention, make conscious choice. Think about the ramifications of our choices, right before or like you talked about temptation, like that's like a little teaser. This is what could happen. If you make that choice. You haven't done anything yet, but you're being tempted. And so that you can see the future of the possible nullification of that choice you might make. So this is living through awareness. But I think there's also a lot of misunderstanding as well, even though you know, we're doing our best here to live consciously and you and build an authentic power. You know, but you say in the book, for instance, we misunderstand karma. Like, can you, can you please explain to us, Karma is a little bit complicated, right. But can you please explain to us what karma is? Because I think we do misunderstand, it's not just, it's not maybe not all, all in this lifetime, this human experience, that I may be having experiences that could have possibly been, from my past life in a different body, right?

Gary | Yes, it could have been, this, again, is something that five sensory humans can't relate to. For them, this is all that is the only cover, you're only here once, so go further. If you do that, without awareness, that gusto is going to bring you some painful experiences. If you do it with awareness, from the heart, with love, that gusto is going to bring you some wonderful experiences, and add those to the experiences that you have already created for yourself, that you have not yet stepped into, or that not yet found you. So you ask What is Karma? Karma is not that complex from Robin, it's, it's simple. It's a messenger. It's a message delivery system, but get it that way. When you act in an interaction with someone else, you create experiences in that person. And those experiences you yourself will encounter. Karma, you might look at it. Whatever experience you create in someone else, when you act comes back to you like a laser guided boomerang, and it comes straight to you. And it always will. But you know, you don't know when, but you know, it will come. So that makes it worthwhile to begin to become aware of what you may be causing others to experience. This doesn't mean you're responsible for what else someone else experiences. It means you're responsible for the intention you hold when you interact with them. What is an intention? What would you say an intention,

Robin | I would say an intention is how I want to use my power, either for love or if I'm using, if I'm wanting to direct my power through choice.

Gary | Exactly. That's, that's it, and you can become even more precise. And attention is your reason for doing something. It's your motivation, you can put it this way. And intention is a quality of consciousness and infuses your word or your actions when you hold it. Now, you, you've identified it exactly in the earth school, which is where we are. And by that I don't mean something mystical, I mean, this domain of time and space and matter, and duality has opposites for everything. There is an opposite, male female at night day, big large, a fundamental duality in the earth school is love and fear. The opposite of love is not hate, it's fear. And so when you have an intention, most people think an intention is what they're going to do. It's a goal, like I'm going to have children, I'm going to become a welder, or I'm going to be a billionaire before I'm 38 or 28. Or these are out tensions, you might set tensions, tensions, not intent, the intent. In other words, your intention is to hope to speak with the energy of love with love. And the opposite that is fear, and explain up so you can see what I'm talking about more clearly. So that you can, fear comes to us as experiences such as resentment, anger, jealousy, competitiveness, overwhelm, superiority, and entitlement, or inferiority and needing to please, every compulsion like workaholism, or perfectionism is an expression of fear. So is every obsession, and so is every addictive experience. Whether your addiction is to alcohol, food, sex, pornography, shopping, gambling, whatever it is, that is an expression of fear. So you can look at your personality this way, it's not a single thing. It's got a lot of aspects. Each of those aspects are a part. So I've described some of those parts, the parts that originate in fear. So let's put all those in one category, basket, put them in a basket, and put the label on the basket, right? Fear. And one thing about that the two things that everything in the fear basket have in common is they hurt when you experience it. And number two, when you act on them, they create painful consequences. They create painful karma. Now, you also have other aspects of your personality, parts of your personality, and you experience and they come from love, they originate in love. And you experience them as gratitude, appreciation, caring, contentment, patience, all of the universe. So let's put all of those experiences in another basket. And we'll label it love, the karma that you create for yourself, which means the experiences that will come back to you, as you act and speak. depend upon the intention with which you're acting, or speaking. If it's love, what comes back to you are the consequences of acting in love. Because it's love that infuses your deed or your word. And it's love that affects the person you're interacting with. And what they experience is what comes back to you and that's also your karma. In other words, Karma can be wonderful. You can be opening expanding, and it can be painful. And you say why did that happen to me? It happened to you because you went intend to do it. But if you don't know your intention, if you're not aware of it, you will ask yourself, how could this happen to me. Because if you're not aware of the intention that you're holding, when you speak or act, it's unconscious. And every unconscious intention is an intention of fear. That's why it's a good idea to become aware of the intention that you're holding before you act.

Robin | Oh, my goodness, you and Linda, you've done so much work with your wife, Linda Francis, who was your spiritual partner. And likely would you say now she's still your spiritual partner, Gary, even though she's returned home to her non physical? Yeah.

Gary | Yes, yes, I would. And we never refer to ourselves as married, although we were. But we didn't do it for the reasons most people got married. I simply wanted to, anyway, Linda, to be better taken care of if I should have passed on first. But, so we are spiritual partners, we've always looked at ourselves as spiritual partners, for the 27 years that we were together in the earth school. Now, her incarnation is gone. It's ashes and dust, and it's not coming back. And I loved everything about it. I love the way she looked and laughed and smiled and dressed and, and laughed, and the way she related to people, everybody loved that about what Linda is still, yes, she's still present. And that, what I'm co- creating with now. And I'm telling you these things so that if you don't resonate, you resonate with them, or you would have turned out by now and turned off by now. But since you resonate with it, to validate, I validating as a voice coming to you from outside your head. When a personality dies, it is because its soul chooses to return home to non physical reality, not the personality, personality may not quote that at all. The soul is the one that uses in its wisdom, which is beyond what we can grasp. Then the soul chose to return home to non physical reality. And that caused a lot to happen in me. And I've written about it by the way, as it was happening. I wrote 11 personal messages. And I asked our support team to post them on our website, which is the Seat of the Soul.com, the same name as the book that we're talking about. So when you go to the Seat of the Soul.com, you go to the menu, click celebration of Linda Francis, it'll be something like that. And that will take you to a page. That's a video we made for Linda, our support team a month, two months after her soul returned home. And also, I will take you to those personal messages of what I was experiencing at that time. Because I wanted to share it in real time. And not wait until later like now.

Robin | I loved, I loved the part of your website, Gary, I've been on and spent some time and I watched the video that you shared with your with your company and your colleagues. And it was a celebration of life for Linda. It was it was beautiful, absolutely beautiful about what everybody had learned inside themselves because of their relationship with Linda and what Linda how their lives have changed because of because of her so that is it and you say this to Gary which I love is when somebody in your life or that something that you're interacting with if they've lost somebody or somebody that they somebody has passed away or died and they're they're thinking they're grieving, you can say you know we can talk about how I will help you celebrate their life. I will help you celebrate their soul and in the person they were in this lifetime. And what it just I just really love that sentiment and just doing that celebrating somebody not. There's grief, but there's also just so much celebration

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Gary | What's important is that you understand that you are responsible for what you create in your life, because of the intentions that you choose love or fear. And creating real power is creating the ability to know moment by moment, what your intentions are, which means what you're feeling what your emotions are at each moment. And at each moment, choose love no matter what's happening inside of you. Such as despair, despondency, depression, anxiety, rage, jealousy, competitiveness, overwhelm, for what's happening outside of you, like another 9/11 type event. And choose love. When you do that, you're creating real power, you're creating mastery in your life. It's an you might call it a lifelong meditation, a Heartfulness meditation. But as you use this meditation, it produces, it doesn't you produce changes in your life, because you become aware of when a frightened part of your personality is active. And we've already agreed that it's a good thing to know that because when you act on it, whatever that intention is, 

Robin | You're acting if you're acting out of your frightening if you're frightened part, you're going to create negative karma.

Gary | Exactly, we use the term positive and negative because everybody knows it. But the universe doesn't really think in terms of positive or negative thinks in terms, it doesn't think it it expresses itself more in terms of cause and effect for every cause, there is an effect. And every effect has a cause. And if you participate in the cause, you participate also in the effect. That's your choice of intention is the cause, always a cause. And the effect is what it produces. And if the cause is love, if the intention is love, it produces the consequences of love, and you encounter them. And if your intention for acting is fear, it produces the intentions of fear in yourself not in other people in yourself. And you experienced them, and they're painful. And when they come if you don't apply any of the things that we're talking about, and you say, how could he have done that to me, he betrayed me, he betrayed me, to me love me, and now he's with someone else. He told me he wanted to be my business partner and embezzled from me. And when that happens, or even somebody says something you don't like and you react. React is what you do when you act again from fear. When you react, you create, again, more karma.

Robin | So Gary, what would what would be what would be let's, let's say, let's talk about this example of a woman. And let's say they're married, and she finds out that her husband was unfaithful, like she found out he's cheating on her. So hurt her rather than reacting. You're what? She's gonna come from a place of love, awareness and consciousness and use authentic power in that situation. Her response, the most loving response. I mean, there's many ways that she could respond, but how would out of love, what would be a way to approach that?

Gary | Linda talked about this a lot because of something that happened to her in her life. She was going out with someone seeing him a lot. And then she found out from one of her friends she said, oh, did you know he's engaged? And she didn't know. Yes. 

Robin | Yeah.

Gary | Can you imagine what that did? Well, Linda will explain it. And the pain was intense, intense and she felt, she decided to feel it. And the next day, he arrived, not invited, but happened to arrive. And when she saw him, she said, you don't have to say anything, I know what you're doing. And I love you, but I'm not going to see you anymore. I don't trust you. So I don't want to see you anymore. And she said it with love. That is how accomplished Linda was her incarnation was she is, she carries that energy, that energy went straight into the learning the evolution of her soul. I'm sharing this with you because it was a significant experience in Linda's life that she used as a teaching experience for others. And there were others that she shared, too. But this one is very close to what you're describing. Now, she was able to do that, by using the tools that I've been discussing with you and the people who are listening to our podcast, emotional awareness, looking inside your body, instead of outside the world from what's causing your pain, because as your multisensory, you begin to realize that things happen in the world, but they don't cause pain in you, they activate an internal dynamic in you. And it's that dynamic, when it becomes activated, that creates the emotional pain that you feel. And that is what you are challenging. That is the frightened part of your personality. And when you change that internal dynamic, you change permanently. That is authentic power, real power. That's what the Seat of the Soul is about. And there is no judgment in any of this. If you don't create authentic power, if you really let it rip, and you tell this person has betrayed you, what a frightened part of your personality is thinking. And it'll always be magnetically attractive to do that. Because every frightened part of a personality is right and righteous. You don't go to hell, the universe doesn't judge you. You just don't change. And you create more of the same. 

Robin | Wow

Gary | Which is a real hell. And if you do, do what Linda did create authentic power, you change. And if you do that, you don't get rewarded. You don't go to heaven. The universe doesn't say, nice job. Six gold stars for that. It's just change. It's all up to you. 

Robin | Yes

Gary | You decide. You are responsible for what you create. You are responsible for the intentions you choose. And now that you are becoming multisensory, you can say this, these words from a larger view of the universe in yourself, and use what you're learning and use your expanded perception right now in the earth school with the person who has betrayed your trust. As you begin to see that everything that you experienced in the earth school serves your spiritual development, everything. You're betrayal, the betrayal of someone else of you, and your trust. That does lead us returning home to non physical reality. Everything serves your spiritual development, which means everything brings your awareness to either a loving part of your personality or a frightened part. Which means brings you bliss, or brings you pain. And when it's fear that's activatly brings your pain, and that is the universe's gracious way of showing you a part of your personality that you need to experience and move beyond the control of, so that you can give the gifts that you were born to give. And that's where your joy and your fulfillment and meaning and purpose and vitality and creativity are. You can't do this, while you're bitter about being portrayed or enraged. You can't do this while you're in fear, when you create with love, you are there. When you're experiencing gratitude, appreciation, caring, contentment, patience, all of the universe, you are experiencing the energy of your soul. That is authentic power. What are you going to create it again?

Robin | Beautiful. Before we go, Gary, I wanted to spend a little bit of time because this is a podcast all about love and relationships, right? And of course, we are interacting with people all day around in our lives. And, you know, you talk about these institutions that are crumbling, they're, they're becoming obsolete. And in the book, you talk about how marriage is still marriage and people are people are still getting

Gary | They are obsolete.

Robin | They are obsolete

Gary | They are obsolete

Robin | Yes. So marriage, what is the difference between marriage and spiritual partnership?

Gary | Marriage is just one of those social structures. It's an ancient archetype that was designed for five sensory humans. It enables more efficient me the ability to survive. It's a natural division of labor, a new archetype, spiritual partnership, partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth is replacing spiritual is replacing marriage. This doesn't mean that individuals in marriages are not becoming aware of what we're talking about. They're not becoming now becoming multisensory. And within their marriages, they begin to transform these marriages into spiritual partnerships. But they're no longer marriages. A wife is, by definition, chattel, which means movable personal property of a husband. And a husband is someone who husbands things, who cares for and it takes care of it manages spiritual partners don't look at themselves in those terms. And they're not those things. Marriage partners do not consider themselves equal. And they're not spiritual partners are striving for exactly that. Along with a new archetype of spiritual partnership, as part of that is the new archetype of the new female, and the new archetype of the new male. The new female was satisfied content derived her meaning from bearing and raising children. And the old male derive his meaning from protecting and providing the new female is not bound by any social conventions. She's entirely capable. She's entirely competent. She can do anything that her meaning calls her to do. She can fly a 747. She can run a corporation, she can be the president of a country. In addition to being a mother or a man and she can do anything she wants. She is not bound by convention. She is unlimited. That's the new female. A new male doesn't need a female to bring tenderness and intuition and sensitivity and care into his life. He has those things. He is those things. And you can see the new male everywhere. You can see him in airports. With a shoulder pattern of burping an infant, you can see him pushing baby strollers, you can see him driving on endless playdates and soccer to soccer games. He cares. He's not afraid or ashamed to cry with joy. He cares for life. He's compassionate, he's available. He's intuitive, he's wise. The new male and the new female together form

Robin | I love that Garry. it's so it's just so when you when you explain the new male and then you female and just the new multisensory human that we are what you are becoming it is that that idea, right. I do see that I see just this rise, and I and I have been seeing it for decades, as you're explaining. I just it's so that is just bring so much warmth and love to my heart does even right to understand and see that. Because we are we're expanding as as multisensory human beings. I just think it's thank God. Thank God. Right, and we're creating these spiritual partnerships.

Gary | That's another thing we can talk about is what is divinity. But everyone knows what's your meaning I don't use the term God because in some cultures, including ours, mostly, it brings up, we put it this way it brings up the image in me, of a male, old man, gray hair, beard, short temper, got all the power, don't mess with him. Because he can have he can be, quote, merciful, not necessarily described as loving, but that's merciful. You can break his rules and he'll decide not to punish you if he chooses. That's not my understanding of divinity. It's not my experience of divinity. For me, I'm talking about divinity with a capital D. And I use the term God now because I know in my heart what I'm talking about, and it's not 

Robin | Not for me either. Yeah.

Gary | Who come in, who commands and you better be frightened of him because you're in big trouble if you're not. You can't be frightened of divinity, divinity is love. Divinity nurtures, divinity is nurturing. And you are that, our new consciousness is taking us places we never dreamed. And we don't have to dream about them out. Because we are becoming them.

Robin | Wow, oh my gosh, Gary, I just  Gary Zukav I love you. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I've loved you since I wrote this read this book for the very first time when I was like 21. And and I'm just so this was a dream come true. Being spending this hour with you a true dream come true. And would you like to close with anything that you want our listeners to know? Before I close with a blessing that you would Yes, you would like our listeners to know or understand or be reminded of or reading just go to your definitely definitely have to go to your website and read your book have haven't read Seat of the Soul, this irritation everyone.

Gary | Enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself. And when you're not look at why you're not. If you're not, it's because you're living in frightened parts of your personality. And there's no joy there, there might be temporary happiness. Like Linda found when she found somebody she wanted to have a relationship with. But then she found out that he was engaged with someone else and the happiness was shattered. That's the most that pursuing external power can do. Temporary happiness, happiness depends on what happens in the physical world. But when you create authentic power, you create joy in yourself. And joy is independent of what happens in the physical world. It's like a sun being ignited in you. And it's joy that's ignited in you. And you can practice this, you might say I setting the intention to enjoy yourself. And if you're not enjoying yourself, you're not even aware of whether you're enjoying yourself or not, then you're unconscious and your intentions are coming from fear. But you can set the intention to enjoy yourself. And of course, it's not going to work the way you might think like I intend to enjoy myself, well here it comes here it comes. No, you set the intention to enjoy yourself and the universe, teachers will begin to show you what you yourself are choosing in your life and acting on in your life that are not joyful. And how to distinguish them from what is so that eventually joy becomes your life instead of pain, love and trust becomes your life instead of fear and doubt. So it's not a commandment, enjoy yourself. You're not doing well if you're not it's just a thought. Enjoy myself. Because if I'm not, why am I not follow that all the way through and as you do, you'll find that it's leading you toward joy. And that's what you were born to experience. You were born to give the gifts you were born to give. That's redundant but you were born to give gifts and it's only love loving parts of your personality that permit that that allow that that enable that and there is the joy, that is authentic power. And you were born to create it and you will.

Robin | Beautiful amazing I'm gonna I'll close with that with some blessings that I wrote, with the words from your book Seat of the Soul. May we ask the universe to bless us in our efforts to align ourselves with our souls. This asking will open a passageway between ourselves and our guides and our teachers. May we understand and know deeply that love is the energy of the soul. Love is what heals the personality. There is nothing that cannot be healed by love. There is nothing but love and may we open to the consciousness of love. The consciousness of gratitude, appreciation, caring, patience, contentment, awe of the universe. And as Gary just said, unbridled joy, creating joy. Thank you, Gary Zukav for sharing this time with us.

Gary | You're welcome. Thank you for reading that Robin. That's beautiful. And that doesn't come from me that comes from the universe, everything that I share is from the universe.

Robin | Thank you. Thank you so much for listening. Visit realloveready.com to continue learning with us. Please rate and review this podcast. Your feedback helps us get you the tools and guidance you need to form more loving relationships and create positive change in your life. We had Real Love Ready, acknowledge and express gratitude for the Coast Salish people, the stewards of the land on which we work in play, and encourage you to take a moment to acknowledge and express gratitude for those that have stewarded and continue to steward the land that you live on as well. Many blessings and much love.